![]() 07/09/2016 at 07:44 • Filed to: Pokemon | ![]() | ![]() |
Besides the horrible server crashes that pretty much test my sanity, how are you guys enjoying the game so far?
I’m thoroughly enjoying the game. I actually took MrsZtp and ztp jr on a walk with me to get a Nidoran (F) yesterday. The thing ended up being took far away, but I found some doubles to transfer away to that big Pokemon farm where all our fish live...I mean Professor Willow.
I’m still figuring out the hotspots where Pokemon tend to spawn. It changes location every day it seems, but it’s seemingly random. I heard it might be cell phone hotspots or wifi hotspots, but I’m still figuring that out, :p.
Also, I found this website ( !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! )that tells me if the Pokemon Go servers are up or not.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 07:56 |
Enjoying it so far, took the munchkin for a walk yesterday evening around our neighborhood while I collected them and hit the pokestop or whatever its called just down the street.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 07:57 |
Hung out at two bars yesterday that are poke spots. Good times
![]() 07/09/2016 at 07:59 |
I’d like to try it, but it is still not available on iOS here in the Netherlands.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 08:00 |
I haven’t had server problems yet but the VR does not seem to work on my phone.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 08:02 |
Hung out at two bars yesterday that are poke spots. Good times
That meant something
different when I was your age.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 08:07 |
My sister had a problem like that on her phone. Something about the chip in the phone wasn't capable. Kind of surprised me because I thought most phones since 2012 should be able to do this.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 08:10 |
Last night at midnight I went to walk across the street to the gas station. I ended up walking two miles, sitting on the veranda of the local hotel for awhile. The gym there kept glitching. I did catch some of my most powerful Pokemon though
![]() 07/09/2016 at 08:11 |
This phone is only about 3 months old. It says it cannot figure out the orientation of the phone so the Pokémon don’t show up in VR mode.
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The closest PokeStop is about a mile from me, :/.
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Lucky! I’ve been mostly around my house or work.
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I’m guessin the servers can only hold X amount of people. But they were down for 2 hours yesterday afternoon.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 08:18 |
Love it. Just love it.
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at work I saw a Electabuzz show up nearby, but I had a meeting in 15 minutes and wasn't sure if I could make it in time, lol. Ended up staying put.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 08:20 |
Probably for the best to wait. I think the servers keep crashing because too many people are on, since it's not international yet. There are some bugs, which will hopefully be addressed by the time you guys get it.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 08:22 |
It’s amazing isn't it? It's so fun!
![]() 07/09/2016 at 08:34 |
Fun. Love it
![]() 07/09/2016 at 09:24 |
Well, I don’t have unlimited data, so I’m stuck playing where there’s wifi.
And I keep getting Pokemon to come into my circle thing and then nothing happens; they never pop up for me to catch them.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 09:35 |
That stinks about not having unlimited data, never thought of that. Also you might have to move around a bit for them to appear in the circle. I had to migrate a tad to find the jigglypuff I saw earlier.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 09:51 |
Yep :D Great that everyone’s playing it too.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 09:54 |
At work yesterday, during a meeting i caught aGastly. Meeting soon ended, I get up to talk to my manager, on the way a coworker says “Check this out, I got a Gastly” (we sit a row away). “Yea, I just got it too!”. I look over, see a another coworker opening up his app to get himself a Gastly, :).
![]() 07/09/2016 at 10:23 |
Hopefully they work out bugs like that soon.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 10:24 |
You made a wise choice
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Fantastic. It reminds me of when Skyrim came out, and everyone I talked to at uni/work/other work had a story to tell about something they found in the wild. And all the stories were different.
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I never played Pokemon in my life. I watched the cartoons here and there but this game got me hooked.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 10:59 |
Installed it, problem is that I don’t have any data so I can only play it where I got a decent wifi connection. That is if I had a HUD that enables me to catch my first Pokemon in the first place. No idea why, but I can’t do anything in the game, theres nothing to click on. Maybe its because Im in the UK?
![]() 07/09/2016 at 11:39 |
That happened to us. We sat at a gazebo because when you tried to battle, either it kicked you right out of the fight or the pokemon wouldn’t die.
I realized that I could do a training fight though, so while my friends tried to take it over I leveled the gym and reinforced it
![]() 07/09/2016 at 11:40 |
Both the camera and the accelerometer are out on my phone, so if it turns back on it shows my front camera then errors saying “we can’t determine your orientation”
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I wish I could do that however none of the three gyms in my area were taken by my team.
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I found a seel earlier today. But I'm suppose to be resting since 3 out of 4 limbs have pinched nerves. I did travel 1 km to get a pikachu, unfortunately it disappeared, lol
![]() 07/09/2016 at 14:19 |
I keep seeing ones that aren't in my pokedex; duduo, pikachu, seel etc. by the time I go in their direction, they are gone, :p.
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The nostalgia factor is heavy in this game, I love it.
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Yours doesn’t have the icons at the bottom?
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Eevee, get out of the road!
![]() 07/09/2016 at 14:26 |
I hatched a seel, it was very unimpressive after having walked 5km for it. Same goes for the Weedle that took 2. I have a sweet Venomoth, Golbat and Scyther from walking so I’m happy. I also caught enough Eevees to evolve one, I got a Flareon. Hopefully when I am in the city I can get som better stuff.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 15:46 |
I just had a Pidgeot appear. I shouted “family walk time”, we found it but after 10 pokeballs wasted, I ran away. The escape rate is pretty high for stronger Pokemon, just like in the original game.
What really matters is CP or combat power. I got some powerhouses I didnt expect. This game is so fun! Also, I just evolved my pidgeotto, lol.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 18:55 |
At the local gyms there are some people with some Pokemon with a 700+ CP level. I need to up my game. My highest is a 545 Flareon.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 19:28 |
Turns out that they are all hidden as long as you don’t have a proper GPS connection. Managed to get it work, now I only need a decent mobile data plan lol.
![]() 07/10/2016 at 07:31 |
Did you power it up to get it that high? Also, I noticed that the higher level you are, the higher the possibility of finding a high cp Pokemon. Im lv 8 and yesterday I found a 211 Venonat. I’m really curious on how strong it’s evolved form will be.
Actually, I'm just having a blast hunting multiples down and evolving the strongest one, :).
![]() 07/10/2016 at 11:10 |
I think I powered it up once but I also got lucky with a fairly powerful one being caught.
![]() 07/10/2016 at 23:17 |
Haven’t tried it yet, but I’m planning to combine this game with my hobby of bike riding. Curious to see if it’ll help me find some new places to explore.
![]() 07/11/2016 at 05:53 |
I discovered three other churches in a nearby town. I'm gonna stick to my current one, but I love church architecture, so it was pretty cool.
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The other cool thing is I’ll be inviting a friend to come along who is a big Pokemon fan, in fact, I didn’t know anything about Pokemon Go until he told me about it.
![]() 07/13/2016 at 11:56 |
This game makes a lot of fun, even if it still has some errors. I have found another status page, which is more accurate: https://go.jooas.com/
Good article :)